No-Buy 2019
I mentioned in my last blog, that in 2019 I will not be purchasing any new books. This challenge actually extends past my book-buying habit. As of my financial and personal goals for 2019, I have decided to do a no-buy for the entire year of 2019. What does that mean, you ask? I am committing to not shopping ( as a hobby) for a year, as an effort to curb my own bad habits and to reflect on what I already own. Shopping has a huge environmental impact. Over the past few years, I have become increasingly concerned with environmental impact and how I can help.
I am an avid Youtube viewer. Unfortunately, my viewing habits have led me to over-buy things. In particular, makeup and beauty products. I have more makeup than I can ever use. In general, I have more things than I need. This is probably the case for most Americans. It took me a few years to understand that clutter and excess contribute to my anxiety. I feel overwhelmed and guilty that I cannot use everything I own. I want to have a collection of -books, makeup, clothing, etc- that I absolutely love. I do a bit of clutter cleaning every few months, but it just isn't enough if I am still adding to my collection. I first started feeling overwhelmed by my belongings in 2015. I read Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and thought I could fight clutter using her methods. Even after going through everything I owned, I still felt like I had too much. Yet I kept adding to it! It's too easy to buy a cute t-shirt on clearance at Target. How could I pass up a new edition of a favorite book? Limited edition makeup products are always being released!
In June 2018, I chose to start freelancing and my financial situation changed. I cannot afford to have shopping as a hobby anymore. To be honest, I couldn't really afford before, either. New things don't make me feel good or happy, long term. My other interests were falling to the wayside, in favor of buying, buying, buying. If I hadn't spend money on XYZ, I could have traveled with that money, I could have put it towards a new car, paid off more of my student loans. Instead, I was left with a pile of things, staring at me. While my shopping habit never led me into debt, it was still too much money spent on stuff I didn't need or really even want. Sometime in the early autumn, I found Hannah Louise Poston's channel on Youtube. Poston spent all of 2018 on a strict no-buy and documented it. Like so many others, I have been inspired by Hannah to make 2019 My No-Buy Year. Regardless of your shopping habits, I highly recommend Hannah's channel. She is intelligent, well-spoken, incredibly funny and honest, and I am so thankful to have found her channel.
Hannah made a list of rules and exceptions for her No-Buy and my own list is modeled after hers.
My rules and exceptions:
* No purchasing any makeup, skincare, haircare, jewelry, books, or knick knacks. Replacements only. For instance, if I run out of my favorite moisturizer, but have others I can use, I must use up my back stock, first.
* Clothing purchases are allowed, but must be purchased from a local or small business, or secondhand. Exceptions: underwear, specialty clothing, and 3 pairs of shoes. I have wanted to create a wardrobe that I love, for years, but continued to fill up my closet with t-shirts and fast fashion.
*New bedding, towels, and one new plant are allowed. I received a panda-shaped planter for Christmas and would hate for him to be empty all year.
* Food and experiences are allowed. I can spend money going to the movies ( something I have avoided because of the cost) and I can buy a coffee drink, as a treat.
*Gifts are allowed- giving and receiving.
* Giftcards must be used for consumables or replacements.
*Tools for work ( an external hard drive for instance) and health/safety items ( new glasses) are allowed
* New piercing and sized nose hoop are allowed. I included this exception because I have hated my current nose stud for a long time and knew I wanted to replace it with a properly sized hoop.
* Custom 12 pan eyeshadow palette, made over the entire year, is allowed. This is something I have wanted to do for years. This may not even happen, but I have that exception in place so that I will not break the rest of my rules.
In 2019, I will hopefully be spending less money and enjoying what I already own. My library card will get a good workout this year. I will be documenting my progress for personal use, but if this topic interests you, let me know and I'll write more about it. Until 2020, there will be no more 'treat yo self' shopping trips. I'm ready to re-set my brain and see real change in myself. Do you have any challenges set for this year?